Train Agents#

You can train your agents using either your environment or an environment contained in the GymPR library. Since GymPR is designed, such that all environments follow standard RL APIs, it is possible to use common RL libraries, which contain implementations of RL algorithms, such as Stable-Baselines3 or Tianshou. Since RL typically requires the management of a large number of hyper-parameters, we recommend the use of frameworks such as Hydra or hydra-zen to configure complex training and evaluation scenarios.

Training with Stable-Baselines3#

The following example shows how to train an agent using Stable-Baselines3. To use the example, please install Stable-Baselines3 as described in the documentation.


This is a simplified example that is not guaranteed to converge, as the default parameters are used. In addition, this example is not meant to show the use of Hydra or hydra-zen.

import gymnasium as gym
from stable_baselines3 import SAC, HerReplayBuffer

env = gym.make('BenchmarkPushingEnv-v0')
# copy_info_dict=True, as information about collisions is stored in the info dictionary to avoid
# computationally  expensive collision checking calculations when the data is relabeled (HER)
model = SAC(
    replay_buffer_kwargs={'copy_info_dict': True}