MuJoCo Utils#

Gymnasium-Planar-Robotics offers various MuJoCo utility functions that can help to develop your custom MuJoCo environments.

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.set_actuator_ctrl(model: MjModel, data: MjData, actuator_name: str, value: float) None[source]

Set the control inputs for the desired actuator.

  • model – the MuJoCo model (MjModel)

  • data – the MuJoCo data structure (MjData)

  • actuator_name – the name of the actuator for which to set the control input

  • value – the control input of the actuator

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.get_joint_qacc(model: MjModel, data: MjData, name: str) ndarray[source]

Return the joint’s linear and angular acceleration (qacc) depending on the type of joint.

  • model – mjModel of the MuJoCo environment

  • data – mjData of the MuJoCo environment

  • name – the name of the joint


the qacc of the joint

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.get_mujoco_type_names(model: MjModel, obj_type: str, name_pattern: str = '') list[str][source]

Return a list of names of the current model that belong to objects of the specified type and whose names match the given name_pattern.

  • model – mjModel of the MuJoCo environment

  • obj_type – mjData of the MuJoCo environment

  • name_pattern – the pattern to search for in the object names, defaults to ‘’


a list of object names matching the name_pattern and the obj_type


The following functions and classes are completely or at least partially adopted from gymnasium-robotics: Farama-Foundation/Gymnasium-Robotics

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.set_joint_qpos(model: MjModel, data: MjData, name: str, value: float | ndarray) None[source]

Set the joint positions (qpos) of the model.

  • model – mjModel of the MuJoCo environment

  • data – mjData of the MuJoCo environment

  • name – the name of the joint

  • value – the new qpos

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.get_joint_qpos(model: MjModel, data: MjData, name: str) ndarray[source]

Return the joint’s position and orientation (qpos) depending on the type of the joint.

  • model – mjModel of the MuJoCo environment

  • data – mjData of the MuJoCo environment

  • name – the name of the joint


the qpos of the joint

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.set_joint_qvel(model: MjModel, data: MjData, name: str, value: float | ndarray) None[source]

Set the joints linear and angular (qvel) of the model.

  • model – mjModel of the MuJoCo environment

  • data – mjData of the MuJoCo environment

  • name – the name of the joint

  • value – the new qvel

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.get_joint_qvel(model: MjModel, data: MjData, name: str) ndarray[source]

Return the joint’s linear and angular velocities (qvel) depending on the type of the joint.

  • model – mjModel of the MuJoCo environment

  • data – mjData of the MuJoCo environment

  • name – the name of the joint


the qvel of the joint

gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.extract_mj_names(model: MjModel, obj_type: mjtObj) tuple[tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()], dict[str, int], dict[int, str]][source]

Extract the names and ids of the given object type from the current MuJoCo model.


ValueError – if the object type is not supported


the names, name2id and id2name dictionaries for the current object type

class gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils.mujoco_utils.MujocoModelNames(model: MjModel)[source]

Access mjtObj object names and ids of the current MuJoCo model.

This class supports access to the names and ids of the following mjObj types:

  • mjOBJ_BODY


  • mjOBJ_GEOM

  • mjOBJ_SITE




The properties provided for each mjObj are:

  • mjObj names: list of the mjObj names in the model of type mjOBJ_FOO

  • mjObj name2id: dictionary with name of the mjObj as keys and id of the mjObj as values

  • mjObj id2name: dictionary with id of the mjObj as keys and name of the mjObj as values

property actuator_id2name: dict[int, str]

Return a dict containing id-name pairs of the actuators in the MuJoCo model.


dict with id-name pairs

property actuator_name2id: dict[str, int]

Return a dict containing name-id pairs of the actuators in the MuJoCo model.


dict with name-id pairs

property actuator_names: tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()]

Return a tuple of actuator names in the MuJoCo model.


actuator names

property body_id2name: dict[int, str]

Return a dict containing id-name pairs of the bodies in the MuJoCo model.


dict with id-name pairs

property body_name2id: dict[str, int]

Return a dict containing name-id pairs of the bodies in the MuJoCo model.


dict with name-id pairs

property body_names: tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()]

Return a tuple of body names in the MuJoCo model.


body names

property camera_id2name: dict[int, str]

Return a dict containing id-name pairs of the cameras in the MuJoCo model.


dict with id-name pairs

property camera_name2id: dict[str, int]

Return a dict containing name-id pairs of the cameras in the MuJoCo model.


dict with name-id pairs

property camera_names: tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()]

Return a tuple of camera names in the MuJoCo model.


camera names

property geom_id2name: dict[int, str]

Return a dict containing id-name pairs of the geoms in the MuJoCo model.


dict with id-name pairs

property geom_name2id: dict[str, int]

Return a dict containing name-id pairs of the geoms in the MuJoCo model.


dict with name-id pairs

property geom_names: tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()]

Return a tuple of geom names in the MuJoCo model.


geom names

property joint_id2name: dict[int, str]

Return a dict containing id-name pairs of the joints in the MuJoCo model.


dict with id-name pairs

property joint_name2id: dict[str, int]

Return a dict containing name-id pairs of the joints in the MuJoCo model.


dict with name-id pairs

property joint_names: tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()]

Return a tuple of joint names in the MuJoCo model.


joint names

property sensor_id2name: dict[int, str]

Return a dict containing id-name pairs of the sensors in the MuJoCo model.


dict with id-name pairs

property sensor_name2id: dict[str, int]

Return a dict containing name-id pairs of the sensors in the MuJoCo model.


dict with name-id pairs

property sensor_names: tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()]

Return a tuple of sensor names in the MuJoCo model.


sensor names

property site_id2name: dict[int, str]

Return a dict containing id-name pairs of the sites in the MuJoCo model.


dict with id-name pairs

property site_name2id: dict[str, int]

Return a dict containing name-id pairs of the sites in the MuJoCo model.


dict with name-id pairs

property site_names: tuple[str, ...] | tuple[()]

Return the site names in the MuJoCo model.


tuple of model site names