# Copyright (c) 2024 Lara Bergmann, Bielefeld University #
import numpy as np
import mujoco
from mujoco import MjModel, MjData
from gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils import rotations_utils, mujoco_utils
class MoverImpedanceController:
"""A mover impedance controller which solves a position and orientation task for one mover.
:param model: mjModel of the MuJoCo environment
:param mover_joint_name: the name of the joint of the mover in the MuJoCo model
:param joint_mask: None or a numpy array of shape (6,) which contains only 0 and 1, defaults to None.
This array can be used to control only certain DoFs of a mover with this controller (1 for controlling a DoF).
If set to None, all DoFs are controlled.
:param translational_stiffness: a numpy array of shape (3,) or a single float value, defaults to 1.0.
Use the numpy array to specify different stiffness values for x,y and z. If only a single float value is specified, the
same stiffness value is used for all translational axes.
:param rotational_stiffness: a numpy array of shape (3,) or a single float value, defaults to 0.1.
Use the numpy array to specify different stiffness values for a (rotation about x-axis of the mover frame),
b (rotation about y-axis of the mover frame) and c (rotation about z-axis of the mover frame). If only a single float value
is specified, the same stiffness value is used for all rotational axes.
def __init__(
model: MjModel,
mover_joint_name: str,
joint_mask: np.ndarray | None = None,
translational_stiffness: np.ndarray | float = 1.0,
rotational_stiffness: np.ndarray | float = 0.1,
) -> None:
self.mover_joint_name = mover_joint_name
self.mover_body_id = model.joint(self.mover_joint_name).bodyid[0]
self.mover_dofadr = model.body(self.mover_body_id).dofadr[0]
self.mover_dofnum = model.body(self.mover_body_id).dofnum[0]
# configure stiffness matrix
self.stiffness = np.zeros((6, 6))
self.stiffness[:3, :3] = self.init_stiffness_mat(stiffness=translational_stiffness)
self.stiffness[-3:, -3:] = self.init_stiffness_mat(stiffness=rotational_stiffness)
# configure damping matrix (damping ratio = 1)
mover_mass = model.body(self.mover_body_id).mass[0]
self.damping = 2 * np.sqrt(self.stiffness * mover_mass)
# enable/disable joints
if joint_mask is None:
self.joint_mask = np.ones(6)
assert joint_mask.shape == (6,)
assert (np.bitwise_or(joint_mask == 0, joint_mask == 1)).all()
self.joint_mask = joint_mask
def init_stiffness_mat(self, stiffness: np.ndarray | float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Initialize a stiffness matrix.
:param stiffness: the stiffness values - either a numpy array of shape (3,) or a single float value
:return: a numpy array of shape (3,3) which is a diagonal matrix with the stiffness values on its diagonal
if isinstance(stiffness, float):
return np.eye(3, 3) * stiffness
assert isinstance(stiffness, np.ndarray)
assert stiffness.shape == (3,)
return np.diag(stiffness)
def set_joint_mask(self, new_joint_mask: np.ndarray):
"""Set a new joint mask to control only specified DoFs of a mover with this controller.
:param new_joint_mask: the new joint mask - a numpy array of shape (6,) which contains only 0 and 1 (1 for controlling a DoF).
assert new_joint_mask.shape == (6,)
assert (np.bitwise_or(new_joint_mask == 0, new_joint_mask == 1)).all()
self.joint_mask = new_joint_mask
def generate_actuator_xml_string(self, idx_mover: int):
"""Generate an actuator xml string which can be added to the MuJoCo model xml string. Note that only actuators for DoFs that
are controlled by this controller are added. This method must be called manually by the user after the controller has been
:param idx_mover: the index of the mover (can be found in the body name of the mover, e.g. for a mover with index 0: 'mover_0')
:return: the actuator xml string
self.actuator_names = []
actuator_xml_str = ''
names = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b', 'c']
for idx in range(0, 6):
str_gear = '0 0 0 0 0 0'
if self.joint_mask[idx]:
str_gear = str_gear[: 2 * idx] + '1' + str_gear[2 * idx + 1 :]
actuator_xml_str += (
f'\n\t\t<general name="{self.actuator_names[-1]}" joint="{self.mover_joint_name}" gear="{str_gear}" '
+ 'dyntype="none" gaintype="fixed" biastype="none"/>'
return actuator_xml_str
def ctrl_callback(self, ctrl: np.ndarray):
"""A callback that can be used to modify the desired forces and torques computed by the ``update()`` method, e.g. to ensure
minimum and maximum forces and torques.
:param ctrl: the desired controls (forces, torques) computed by the 'update()' method, i.e. a numpy array of shape (6,) with
the following order of DoFs: x,y,z,a,b,c.
:return: the modified controls, i.e. a numpy array of shape (6,) with the following order of DoFs: x,y,z,a,b,c.
return ctrl
def update(self, model: MjModel, data: MjData, pos_d: np.ndarray, quat_d: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Compute new controls based on the position and orientation error.
:param model: mjModel of the MuJoCo environment
:param data: mjData of the MuJoCo environment
:param pos_d: the desired position (x_p,y_p,z_p) specified as a numpy array of shape (3,)
:param quat_d: the desired orientation, specified as a quaternion (w_o,x_o,y_o,z_o), i.e. numpy array of shape (4,)
assert pos_d.shape == (3,)
assert quat_d.shape == (4,)
# desired rot mat
xmat_d = rotations_utils.quat2mat(quat_d)
# joint velocities
dq = mujoco_utils.get_joint_qvel(model, data, self.mover_joint_name).reshape((-1, 1))
# Jacobians
jacp = np.zeros((3, model.nv)) # tanslational part of the Jacobian
jacr = np.zeros((3, model.nv)) # rotational part of the Jacobian
mujoco.mj_jacBody(model, data, jacp, jacr, self.mover_body_id)
jac = np.vstack((jacp, jacr))
jac = jac[:, self.mover_dofadr : self.mover_dofadr + self.mover_dofnum]
# get Cartesian position and orientation of the mover
xpos = data.xpos[self.mover_body_id, :]
xmat = data.xmat[self.mover_body_id, :].reshape(3, 3)
error = np.zeros((6, 1))
# position error
error[:3, 0] = pos_d - xpos
# orientation error
axis, theta = rotations_utils.quat2axisangle(rotations_utils.mat2quat(xmat.T @ xmat_d))
error[-3:, :] = xmat @ (axis.reshape((3, 1)) * theta) # ee frame orientation -> base frame orientation
# compute controls
ctrl = self.joint_mask * (jac.T @ (self.stiffness @ error - self.damping @ (jac @ dq))).flatten()
# modify the computed controls, if desired
ctrl = self.ctrl_callback(ctrl=ctrl.copy())
# set controls
for idx in range(0, 6):
if self.joint_mask[idx]:
mujoco_utils.set_actuator_ctrl(model, data, actuator_name=self.actuator_names[idx], value=ctrl[idx])