Source code for gymnasium_planar_robotics.envs.basic_envs

# Copyright (c) 2024 Lara Bergmann, Bielefeld University #

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import logger
from pettingzoo import ParallelEnv
import numpy as np
import mujoco
import mujoco.viewer
from gymnasium_planar_robotics.utils import geometry_2D_utils, mujoco_utils, rendering

[docs] class BasicPlanarRoboticsEnv: """A base class for reinforcement learning environments in the field of planar robotics that is based on MuJoCo. Note that MuJoCo does not specify basic physical units (for a more detailed explanation, see Thus, this environment can be used with user-specific units. However, note that the units m and kg are used for the default parameters. :param layout_tiles: a numpy array of shape (num_tiles_x, num_tiles_y) indicating where to add a tile (use 1 to add a tile and 0 to leave cell empty). The x-axis and y-axis correspond to the axes of the numpy array, so the origin of the base frame is in the upper left corner. :param num_movers: the number of movers to add :param tile_params: a dictionary that can be used to specify the mass and size of a tile using the keys 'mass' or 'size', defaults to None. Since one planar motor system usually only contains tiles of one type, i.e. with the same mass and size, the mass is a single float value and the size must be specified as a numpy array of shape (3,). If set to None or only one key is specified, both mass and size or the missing value are set to the following default values: - mass: 5.6 [kg] - size: [0.24/2, 0.24/2, 0.0352/2] (x,y,z) [m] (note: half-size) :param mover_params: a dictionary that can be used to specify the mass and size of each mover using the keys 'mass' or 'size', defaults to None. To use the same mass and size for each mover, the mass can be specified as a single float value and the size as a numpy array of shape (3,). However, the movers can also be of different types, i.e. different masses and sizes. In this case, the mass and size should be specified as numpy arrays of shapes (num_movers,) and (num_movers,3), respectively. If set to None or only one key is specified, both mass and size or the missing value are set to the following default values: - mass: 1.24 [kg] - size: [0.155/2, 0.155/2, 0.012/2] (x,y,z) [m] (note: half-size) :param initial_mover_zpos: the initial distance between the bottom of the mover and the top of a tile, defaults to 0.005 [m] :param table_height: the height of a table on which the tiles are placed, defaults to 0.4 [m] :param std_noise: the standard deviation of a Gaussian with zero mean used to add noise, defaults to 1e-5. The standard deviation can be used to add noise to the mover's position, velocity and acceleration. If you want to use different standard deviations for position, velocity and acceleration use a numpy array of shape (3,); otherwise use a single float value, meaning the same standard deviation is used for all three values. :param render_mode: the mode that is used to render the frames ('human', 'rgb_array' or None), defaults to 'human'. If set to None, no viewer is initialized and used, i.e. no rendering. This can be useful to speed up training. :param default_cam_config: dictionary with attribute values of the viewer's default camera,, defaults to None :param width_no_camera_specified: if render_mode != 'human' and no width is specified, this value is used, defaults to 1240 :param height_no_camera_specified: if render_mode != 'human' and no height is specified, this value is used, defaults to 1080 :param collision_params: a dictionary that can be used to specify the following collision parameters, defaults to None: - collision shape (key: 'shape'): can be 'box' or 'circle', defaults to 'circle' - size of the collision shape (key: 'size'), defaults to 0.11 [m]: - collision shape 'circle': a single float value which corresponds to the radius of the circle, or a numpy array of shape (num_movers,) to specify individual values for each mover - collision shape 'box': a numpy array of shape (2,) to specify x and y half-size of the box, or a numpy array of shape (num_movers, 2) to specify individual sizes for each mover - additional size offset (key: 'offset'), defaults to 0.0 [m]: an additional safety offset that is added to the size of the collision shape. Think of this offset as increasing the size of a mover by a safety margin. - additional wall offset (key: 'offset_wall'), defaults to 0.0 [m]: an additional safety offset that is added to the size of the collision shape to detect wall collisions. Think of this offset as moving the wall, i.e. the edge of a tile without an adjacent tile, closer to the center of the tile. :param mover_start_xy_pos: a numpy array of shape (num_movers,2) containing the initial (x,y) starting positions of each mover. If set to None, the movers will be placed in the center of a tile, i.e. the number of tiles must be >= the number of movers; defaults to None. :param mover_goal_xy_pos: a numpy array of shape (num_movers_with_goals,2) containing the initial (x,y) goal positions of the movers (num_movers_with_goals <= num_movers). Note that only the first 6 movers have different colors to make the movers clearly distinguishable. Movers without goals are shown in gray. If set to None, no goals will be displayed and all movers are colored in gray; defaults to None :param custom_xml_strings: a dictionary containing additional xml strings to provide the ability to add actuators, sensors, objects, robots, etc. to the model. The keys determine where to add a string in the xml structure and the values contain the xml string to add. The following keys are accepted: - 'custom_compiler_xml_str': A custom 'compiler' xml element. Note that the entire default 'compiler' element is replaced. - 'custom_visual_xml_str': A custom 'visual' xml element. Note that the entire default 'visual' element is replaced. - 'custom_option_xml_str': A custom 'option' xml element. Note that the entire default 'option' element is replaced. - 'custom_assets_xml_str': This xml string adds elements to the 'asset' grouping element. - 'custom_default_xml_str': This xml string adds elements to the 'default' grouping element. - 'custom_worldbody_xml_str': This xml string adds elements to the 'worldbody' grouping element. - 'custom_outworldbody_xml_str': This xml string should be used to include files or add elements other than 'compiler', 'visual', 'option', 'asset', 'default' or 'worldbody'. If set to None, only the basic xml string is generated, containing tiles, movers (excluding actuators), and possibly goals; defaults to None. This dictionary can be further modified using the ``_custom_xml_string_callback()``. :param use_mj_passive_viewer: whether the MuJoCo passive_viewer should be used, defaults to False. If set to False, the Gymnasium MuJoCo WindowViewer with custom overlays is used. """ metadata = {'render_modes': ['human', 'rgb_array']} def __init__( self, layout_tiles: np.ndarray, num_movers: int, tile_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, mover_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, initial_mover_zpos: float = 0.005, table_height: float = 0.4, std_noise: np.ndarray | float = 1e-5, render_mode: str | None = 'human', default_cam_config: dict[str, any] | None = None, width_no_camera_specified: int = 1240, height_no_camera_specified: int = 1080, collision_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, initial_mover_start_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, initial_mover_goal_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, custom_model_xml_strings: dict[str, str] | None = None, use_mj_passive_viewer: bool = False, ) -> None: # rng self.rng_noise = np.random.default_rng() # standard deviation noise if isinstance(std_noise, float): # use the same standard deviation for position, velocity and acceleration self.std_noise = np.array([std_noise, std_noise, std_noise]) else: # use possibly different standard deviations for position, velocity and acceleration assert std_noise.shape == (3,), 'noise standard deviation has to be a float or a numpy array of shape (3,)' self.std_noise = std_noise # tile configuration self.layout_tiles = layout_tiles.astype(np.int8) self.num_tiles = np.sum(self.layout_tiles) self.num_tiles_x = self.layout_tiles.shape[0] self.num_tiles_y = self.layout_tiles.shape[1] if tile_params is None: tile_params = {} self.tile_size = tile_params.get('size', np.array([0.24 / 2, 0.24 / 2, 0.0352 / 2])) self.tile_mass = tile_params.get('mass', 5.6) self.x_pos_tiles, self.y_pos_tiles = self.get_tile_xy_pos() self._check_tile_config() # remember certain indices that belong to specific structures in the tile layout and are important for collision checking mask_3x3 = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.int8) self.idx_x_tiles_3x3, self.idx_y_tiles_3x3 = self.get_tile_indices_mask(mask=mask_3x3) mask_2x2_bl = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]]) self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_bl, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_bl = self.get_tile_indices_mask(mask=mask_2x2_bl) mask_2x2_br = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]]) self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_br, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_br = self.get_tile_indices_mask(mask=mask_2x2_br) mask_2x2_tl = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]) self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tl, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tl = self.get_tile_indices_mask(mask=mask_2x2_tl) mask_2x2_tr = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1]]) self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tr, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tr = self.get_tile_indices_mask(mask=mask_2x2_tr) # padded layout used for wall collision check self.layout_tiles_wc = np.pad(layout_tiles, ((0, 1), (0, 1)), mode='constant', constant_values=0) # mover configuration self.num_movers = num_movers self.num_movers_wo_goal = ( self.num_movers - initial_mover_goal_xy_pos.shape[1] if initial_mover_goal_xy_pos is not None else self.num_movers ) if mover_params is None: mover_params = {} self.mover_size = mover_params.get('size', np.array([0.155 / 2, 0.155 / 2, 0.012 / 2])) self.mover_mass = mover_params.get('mass', 1.24) self.initial_mover_zpos = initial_mover_zpos self._check_mover_config(initial_mover_start_xy_pos, initial_mover_goal_xy_pos) # collision detection if collision_params is None: collision_params = {} self.c_shape = collision_params.get('shape', 'circle') self.c_size = collision_params.get('size', 0.11) self.c_size_offset = collision_params.get('offset', 0.0) self.c_size_offset_wall = collision_params.get('offset_wall', 0.0) self._check_collision_params() self.custom_model_xml_strings_before_cb = custom_model_xml_strings custom_model_xml_strings = self._custom_xml_string_callback(custom_model_xml_strings) # MuJoCo self.table_height = table_height # generate model xml string model_xml_str = self.generate_model_xml_string( mover_start_xy_pos=initial_mover_start_xy_pos, mover_goal_xy_pos=initial_mover_goal_xy_pos, custom_xml_strings=custom_model_xml_strings, ) self.model = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_string(model_xml_str) = mujoco.MjData(self.model) mujoco.mj_step(self.model,, nstep=1) # cycle time self.cycle_time = self.model.opt.timestep # remember mover names, mover joint names and goal site names (if goals exist) self.mover_names = mujoco_utils.get_mujoco_type_names(self.model, obj_type='body', name_pattern='mover') self.mover_joint_names = mujoco_utils.get_mujoco_type_names(self.model, obj_type='joint', name_pattern='mover') self.mover_goal_site_names = mujoco_utils.get_mujoco_type_names(self.model, obj_type='site', name_pattern='goal_site_mover') self._check_mujoco_name_order() # rendering assert render_mode is None or render_mode in self.metadata['render_modes'] self.render_mode = render_mode if default_cam_config is None: default_cam_config = { 'distance': 2.0, 'azimuth': 160.0, 'elevation': -45.0, 'lookat': np.array([0.7, -0.3, 0.4]), } # setup viewer collection if render_mode is not None: self.viewer_collection = rendering.MujocoViewerCollection( model=self.model,, default_cam_config=default_cam_config, width_no_camera_specified=width_no_camera_specified, height_no_camera_specified=height_no_camera_specified, use_mj_passive_viewer=use_mj_passive_viewer, ) def _custom_xml_string_callback(self, custom_model_xml_strings: dict[str, str] | None = None) -> dict[str, str] | None: """A callback that should be used to add further functionality to the ``__init__()`` method. This callback should be used to modify the custom xml string in the ``custom_model_xml_strings`` dictionary after the tile, mover and collision parameters have been preprocessed and checked, but before the MuJoCo model xml string is generated. This allows adding custom xml strings based on the tile or mover configuration, e.g. to add actuators for each mover. :param custom_model_xml_strings: a dictionary containing additional xml strings to provide the ability to add actuators, sensors, objects, robots, etc. to the model., defaults to None (see documentation of the ``__init__()`` method for more detailed information). Note that this dictionary may be modified within this method. :return: the possibly modified dictionary with additional xml strings """ return custom_model_xml_strings ################################################### # RL # ###################################################
[docs] def render(self) -> np.ndarray | None: """Compute frames depending on the initially specified ``render_mode``. Before the corresponding viewer is updated, the ``_render_callback()`` is called to give the opportunity to add more functionality. :return: returns a numpy array if render_mode != 'human', otherwise it returns None (render_mode 'human') """ self._render_callback() if self.render_mode is not None: return self.viewer_collection.render(self.render_mode) else: return None
def _render_callback(self) -> None: """A callback that should be used to add further functionality to the ``render()`` method (see documentation of the ``render()`` method for more information about when the callback is called). """ pass
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the environment.""" if self.render_mode is not None: self.viewer_collection.close()
################################################### # Collision and position validation checks # ###################################################
[docs] def check_mover_collision( self, mover_names: list[str], c_size: float | np.ndarray, add_safety_offset: bool = False, mover_qpos: np.ndarray | None = None, add_qpos_noise: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Check whether two movers specified in ``mover_names`` collide. In case of collision shape 'box', this method takes the orientation of the movers into account. :param mover_names: a list of mover names that should be checked (correspond to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param c_size: the size of the collision shape of the movers - collision_shape = 'circle': use a single float value to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_movers,) to specify individual sizes for each mover - collision_shape = 'box': use a numpy array of shape (2,) to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_movers,2) to specify individual sizes for each mover :param add_safety_offset: whether to add the size offset (can be specified using: collision_params["offset"]), defaults to False. Note that the same size offset is added for both movers. :param mover_qpos: the qpos of the movers specified as a numpy array of shape (num_movers,7) (x_p,y_p,z_p,w_o,x_o,y_o,z_o). If set to None, the current qpos of the movers in the MuJoCo model is used; defaults to None :param add_qpos_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise to the qpos of the movers, defaults to False. Only used if mover_qpos is not None. :return: True if the movers collide, False otherwise """ if mover_qpos is None: mover_qpos = self.get_mover_qpos_arr(mover_names=mover_names, add_noise=add_qpos_noise) num_movers = mover_qpos.shape[0] assert mover_qpos.shape == (num_movers, 7) c_size_arr = self.get_c_size_arr(c_size=c_size + self.c_size_offset * int(add_safety_offset), num_reps=num_movers) num_checks = np.sum(np.arange(start=1, stop=num_movers, step=1)) mover_i_qpos = np.zeros((num_checks, 7)) mover_j_qpos = np.zeros((num_checks, 7)) c_size_arr_i = np.zeros((num_checks, c_size_arr.shape[1])) c_size_arr_j = np.zeros((num_checks, c_size_arr.shape[1])) start_idx = 0 for i in range(0, num_movers - 1): offset_idx = num_movers - (i + 1) stop_idx = start_idx + offset_idx mover_i_qpos[start_idx:stop_idx, :] = np.repeat(mover_qpos[i : i + 1, :], offset_idx, axis=0) mover_j_qpos[start_idx:stop_idx, :] = mover_qpos[i + 1 :, :] c_size_arr_i[start_idx:stop_idx, :] = np.repeat(c_size_arr[i : i + 1, :], offset_idx, axis=0) c_size_arr_j[start_idx:stop_idx, :] = c_size_arr[i + 1 :, :] start_idx = stop_idx if self.c_shape == 'circle': mover_collision = np.linalg.norm(mover_i_qpos[:, :2] - mover_j_qpos[:, :2], ord=2, axis=1) <= (c_size_arr_i + c_size_arr_j) elif self.c_shape == 'box': dist = np.linalg.norm(mover_i_qpos[:, :2] - mover_j_qpos[:, :2], ord=2, axis=1) max_size = np.max(np.concatenate((c_size_arr_i, c_size_arr_j), axis=1), axis=1) diag_size = np.tile(max_size, reps=(2, 1)).T mask_add_check = dist <= 2 * np.linalg.norm(diag_size, ord=1, axis=1) mover_collision = np.zeros(num_checks) if mask_add_check.any(): mover_collision[mask_add_check] = geometry_2D_utils.check_rectangles_intersect( qpos_r1=mover_i_qpos[mask_add_check, :], qpos_r2=mover_j_qpos[mask_add_check, :], size_r1=c_size_arr_i[mask_add_check, :], size_r2=c_size_arr_j[mask_add_check, :], ) return mover_collision.any()
[docs] def check_wall_collision( self, mover_names: list[str], c_size: float | np.ndarray, add_safety_offset: bool = False, mover_qpos: np.ndarray | None = None, add_qpos_noise: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Check whether the qpos of the movers listed in ``mover_names`` are valid, i.e. no wall collisions. :param mover_names: a list of mover names that should be checked (correspond to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param c_size: the size of the collision shape - collision_shape = 'circle': use a single float value to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_movers,) to specify individual sizes for each mover - collision_shape = 'box': use a numpy array of shape (2,) to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_movers,2) to specify individual sizes for each mover :param add_safety_offset: whether to add the size offset (can be specified using: collision_params["offset"]), defaults to False. Note that the same size offset is added for all movers. :param mover_qpos: a numpy array of shape (num_qpos,7) containing the qpos (x_p,y_p,z_p,w_o,x_o,y_o,z_o) of each mover or None. If set to None, the current qpos of each mover in the MuJoCo model is used; defaults to None :param add_qpos_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise to the qpos of the movers, defaults to False. Only used if mover_qpos is not None. :return: a numpy array of shape (num_movers,), where an element is 1 if the qpos is valid (no wall collision), otherwise 0 """ if mover_qpos is None: mover_qpos = self.get_mover_qpos_arr(mover_names=mover_names, add_noise=add_qpos_noise) return 1 - self.qpos_is_valid(mover_qpos, c_size, add_safety_offset)
[docs] def qpos_is_valid(self, qpos: np.ndarray, c_size: float | np.ndarray, add_safety_offset: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Check whether qpos is valid. This method considers the edges as imaginary walls if there is no other tile next to that edge. A position is valid if it is above a tile and the distance to the walls is greater that the required safety margin, i.e. no collision with a wall. This also ensures that the position is reachable in case the specified position is a goal position. This method allows to check multiple qpos at the same time, where the movers can be of different sizes. The orientation of the mover is taken into account if collision_shape = 'box', otherwise (collision_shape = 'circle') the orientation of the mover is ignored. :param qpos: a numpy array of shape (num_qpos,7) containing the qpos (x_p,y_p,z_p,w_o,x_o,y_o,z_o) to be checked :param c_size: the size of the collision shape - collision_shape = 'circle': use a single float value to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_qpos,) to specify individual sizes for each mover - collision_shape = 'box': use a numpy array of shape (2,) to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_qpos,2) to specify individual sizes for each mover :param add_safety_offset: whether to add the size offset (can be specified using: collision_params["offset"]), defaults to False. Note that the same size offset is added for all movers. :return: a numpy array of shape (num_qpos,), where an element is 1 if the qpos is valid, otherwise 0 """ assert len(qpos.shape) == 2 assert qpos.shape[1] == 7 # add safety margins num_qpos = qpos.shape[0] c_size = c_size + self.c_size_offset_wall + int(add_safety_offset) * self.c_size_offset # prepare collision size array c_size_arr = self.get_c_size_arr(c_size=c_size, num_reps=num_qpos) ignore_orientation = False # self.c_shape == 'box' if self.c_shape == 'circle': ignore_orientation = True # collision shape == 'box': get mover vertices if not ignore_orientation: mover_vertices = geometry_2D_utils.get_2D_rect_vertices(qpos=qpos, size=c_size_arr) # start test pos_is_valid = np.zeros(num_qpos, dtype=np.int8) # roughly locate the movers -> find the indices of tiles with a mover above them x_pos_tiles = np.tile(self.x_pos_tiles, reps=(num_qpos, 1, 1)) y_pos_tiles = np.tile(self.y_pos_tiles, reps=(num_qpos, 1, 1)) qpos_x_all = np.tile(qpos[:, 0].reshape((-1, 1, 1)), reps=(1, self.x_pos_tiles.shape[0], self.x_pos_tiles.shape[1])) qpos_y_all = np.tile(qpos[:, 1].reshape((-1, 1, 1)), reps=(1, self.y_pos_tiles.shape[0], self.y_pos_tiles.shape[1])) mask_above_tile = ( (x_pos_tiles - self.tile_size[0] <= qpos_x_all) * (qpos_x_all <= x_pos_tiles + self.tile_size[0]) * (y_pos_tiles - self.tile_size[1] <= qpos_y_all) * (qpos_y_all <= y_pos_tiles + self.tile_size[1]) ) assert np.sum(mask_above_tile) >= num_qpos, ( 'At least one mover is not above a tile. An episode should be terminated in case of wall collision. ' + 'This error is probably caused by a missed termination of the episode.' ) idx_qpos, idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y = np.where(mask_above_tile) if not ignore_orientation: mover_vertices = mover_vertices[idx_qpos, :, :] # min, max x pos of all relevant tiles min_x_tiles = self.x_pos_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] - self.tile_size[0] max_x_tiles = self.x_pos_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] + self.tile_size[0] # min, max y pos of all relevant tiles min_y_tiles = self.y_pos_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] - self.tile_size[1] max_y_tiles = self.y_pos_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] + self.tile_size[1] # check whether the tiles are completely surrounded by other tiles # mask_complete.shape == (num_qpos,self.idx_x_tiles_3x3.shape[0]) mask_complete = ( np.tile(idx_tiles_x, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_3x3.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_x_tiles_3x3, reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1)) ) * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_y, reps=(self.idx_y_tiles_3x3.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_y_tiles_3x3, reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1)) ) idx_qpos_complete = idx_qpos[np.where(mask_complete)[0]] pos_is_valid[idx_qpos_complete] = 1 if np.sum(pos_is_valid) == num_qpos: return pos_is_valid # at least one pos is above a tile which is not completely surrounded by other tiles # (possibly without required safety margin to the edges of the tile) # safe = above_tile and all distances to edges > safety margin if ignore_orientation: rep = 1 min_x_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( np.tile(min_x_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T < qpos[idx_qpos, 0].reshape((-1, 1)) - c_size_arr[idx_qpos, :] ).astype(np.int8) max_x_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( qpos[idx_qpos, 0].reshape((-1, 1)) + c_size_arr[idx_qpos, :] < np.tile(max_x_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T ).astype(np.int8) min_y_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( np.tile(min_y_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T < qpos[idx_qpos, 1].reshape((-1, 1)) - c_size_arr[idx_qpos, :] ).astype(np.int8) max_y_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( qpos[idx_qpos, 1].reshape((-1, 1)) + c_size_arr[idx_qpos, :] < np.tile(max_y_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T ).astype(np.int8) else: rep = 4 min_x_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( np.tile(min_x_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T < mover_vertices[:, 0, :] ).astype(np.int8) max_x_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( mover_vertices[:, 0, :] < np.tile(max_x_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T ).astype(np.int8) min_y_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( np.tile(min_y_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T < mover_vertices[:, 1, :] ).astype(np.int8) max_y_safe = np.tile(self.layout_tiles[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1)).T * ( mover_vertices[:, 1, :] < np.tile(max_y_tiles, reps=(rep, 1)).T ).astype(np.int8) # mask minimum and maximum indices mask_idx_x_lmin = (idx_tiles_x > 0).astype(np.int8) mask_idx_y_lmin = (idx_tiles_y > 0).astype(np.int8) mask_idx_x_smax = (idx_tiles_x < self.num_tiles_x - 1).astype(np.int8) mask_idx_y_smax = (idx_tiles_y < self.num_tiles_y - 1).astype(np.int8) mask_valid = (min_x_safe * max_x_safe * min_y_safe * max_y_safe).astype(np.int8) # update min_x_safe mask_min_x_update = (1 - min_x_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_x_lmin * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x - 1, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_min_x_update * min_y_safe * max_y_safe # update min_y_safe based on min_x_safe-update mask_min_x_min_y_update = (1 - min_y_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_x_lmin * mask_idx_y_lmin * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y - 1] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x - 1, idx_tiles_y - 1], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_min_x_update * mask_min_x_min_y_update # update max_y_safe based on min_x_safe-update mask_min_x_max_y_update = (1 - max_y_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_x_lmin * mask_idx_y_smax * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y + 1] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x - 1, idx_tiles_y + 1], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_min_x_update * mask_min_x_max_y_update # update max_x_safe mask_max_x_update = (1 - max_x_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_x_smax * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x + 1, idx_tiles_y], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_max_x_update * min_y_safe * max_y_safe # update min_y_safe based on max_x_safe-update mask_max_x_min_y_update = (1 - min_y_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_x_smax * mask_idx_y_lmin * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y - 1] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x + 1, idx_tiles_y - 1], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_max_x_update * mask_max_x_min_y_update # update max_y_safe based on max_x_safe-update mask_max_x_max_y_update = (1 - max_y_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_x_smax * mask_idx_y_smax * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y + 1] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x + 1, idx_tiles_y + 1], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_max_x_update * mask_max_x_max_y_update # update min_y_safe mask_min_y_update = (1 - min_y_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_y_lmin * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y - 1], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_min_y_update * min_x_safe * max_x_safe # update max_y_safe mask_max_y_update = (1 - max_y_safe) * np.tile( mask_idx_y_smax * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y] * self.layout_tiles_wc[idx_tiles_x, idx_tiles_y + 1], reps=(rep, 1), ).T mask_valid = mask_valid + mask_max_y_update * min_x_safe * max_x_safe assert np.bitwise_or(mask_valid == 0, mask_valid == 1).all() if ignore_orientation: mask_valid = mask_valid.flatten() else: mask_valid = np.sum(mask_valid, axis=1) == 4 # bottom left mask_2x2_bl = ( np.tile(mask_valid * mask_idx_x_smax * mask_idx_y_lmin, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_bl.shape[0], 1)).T * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_x, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_bl.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_bl, reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1)) ) * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_y, reps=(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_bl.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_bl + 1, reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1)) ) ) sum_bl = np.sum(mask_2x2_bl, axis=1) assert np.bitwise_or(sum_bl == 0, sum_bl == 1).all() idx_qpos_bl = idx_qpos[sum_bl == 1] if len(idx_qpos_bl) > 0: qpos_missing_tiles = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]] * idx_qpos_bl.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) idx_mask_bl = np.where(mask_2x2_bl) qpos_missing_tiles[:, 0] = np.tile( self.x_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_bl + 1, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_bl], reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_bl] qpos_missing_tiles[:, 1] = np.tile( self.y_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_bl + 1, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_bl], reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_bl] mt_intersect = geometry_2D_utils.check_rectangles_intersect( qpos_r1=qpos[idx_qpos_bl, :], qpos_r2=qpos_missing_tiles, size_r1=c_size_arr[idx_qpos_bl, :], size_r2=np.tile(self.tile_size[:2], reps=(idx_qpos_bl.shape[0], 1)), ) mask_valid[idx_mask_bl[0]] = (1 - mt_intersect) * mask_valid[idx_mask_bl[0]] # bottom right mask_2x2_br = ( np.tile(mask_valid * mask_idx_x_smax * mask_idx_y_smax, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_br.shape[0], 1)).T * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_x, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_br.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_br, reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1)) ) * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_y, reps=(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_br.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_br, reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1)) ) ) sum_br = np.sum(mask_2x2_br, axis=1) assert np.bitwise_or(sum_br == 0, sum_br == 1).all() idx_qpos_br = idx_qpos[sum_br == 1] if len(idx_qpos_br) > 0: qpos_missing_tiles = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]] * idx_qpos_br.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) idx_mask_br = np.where(mask_2x2_br) qpos_missing_tiles[:, 0] = np.tile( self.x_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_br + 1, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_br + 1], reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_br] qpos_missing_tiles[:, 1] = np.tile( self.y_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_br + 1, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_br + 1], reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_br] mt_intersect = geometry_2D_utils.check_rectangles_intersect( qpos_r1=qpos[idx_qpos_br, :], qpos_r2=qpos_missing_tiles, size_r1=c_size_arr[idx_qpos_br, :], size_r2=np.tile(self.tile_size[:2], reps=(idx_qpos_br.shape[0], 1)), ) mask_valid[idx_mask_br[0]] = (1 - mt_intersect) * mask_valid[idx_mask_br[0]] # top left mask_2x2_tl = ( np.tile(mask_valid * mask_idx_x_lmin * mask_idx_y_lmin, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tl.shape[0], 1)).T * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_x, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tl.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tl + 1, reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1)) ) * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_y, reps=(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tl.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tl + 1, reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1)) ) ) sum_tl = np.sum(mask_2x2_tl, axis=1) assert np.bitwise_or(sum_tl == 0, sum_tl == 1).all() idx_qpos_tl = idx_qpos[sum_tl == 1] if len(idx_qpos_tl) > 0: qpos_missing_tiles = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]] * idx_qpos_tl.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) idx_mask_tl = np.where(mask_2x2_tl) qpos_missing_tiles[:, 0] = np.tile( self.x_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tl, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tl], reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_tl] qpos_missing_tiles[:, 1] = np.tile( self.y_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tl, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tl], reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_tl] mt_intersect = geometry_2D_utils.check_rectangles_intersect( qpos_r1=qpos[idx_qpos_tl, :], qpos_r2=qpos_missing_tiles, size_r1=c_size_arr[idx_qpos_tl, :], size_r2=np.tile(self.tile_size[:2], reps=(idx_qpos_tl.shape[0], 1)), ) mask_valid[idx_mask_tl[0]] = (1 - mt_intersect) * mask_valid[idx_mask_tl[0]] # top right mask_2x2_tr = ( np.tile(mask_valid * mask_idx_x_lmin * mask_idx_y_smax, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tr.shape[0], 1)).T * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_x, reps=(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tr.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tr + 1, reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1)) ) * ( np.tile(idx_tiles_y, reps=(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tr.shape[0], 1)).T == np.tile(self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tr, reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1)) ) ) sum_tr = np.sum(mask_2x2_tr, axis=1) assert np.bitwise_or(sum_tr == 0, sum_tr == 1).all() idx_qpos_tr = idx_qpos[sum_tr == 1] if len(idx_qpos_tr) > 0: qpos_missing_tiles = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]] * idx_qpos_tr.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) idx_mask_tr = np.where(mask_2x2_tr) qpos_missing_tiles[:, 0] = np.tile( self.x_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tr, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tr + 1], reps=(idx_tiles_x.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_tr] qpos_missing_tiles[:, 1] = np.tile( self.y_pos_tiles[self.idx_x_tiles_2x2_tr, self.idx_y_tiles_2x2_tr + 1], reps=(idx_tiles_y.shape[0], 1) )[idx_mask_tr] mt_intersect = geometry_2D_utils.check_rectangles_intersect( qpos_r1=qpos[idx_qpos_tr, :], qpos_r2=qpos_missing_tiles, size_r1=c_size_arr[idx_qpos_tr, :], size_r2=np.tile(self.tile_size[:2], reps=(idx_qpos_tr.shape[0], 1)), ) mask_valid[idx_mask_tr[0]] = (1 - mt_intersect) * mask_valid[idx_mask_tr[0]] idx_valid = [idx for idx in np.unique(idx_qpos) if (mask_valid[idx_qpos == idx] == 1).all()] pos_is_valid[idx_valid] = 1 return pos_is_valid.astype(int)
################################################### # MuJoCo # ###################################################
[docs] def window_viewer_is_running(self) -> bool: """Check whether the window viewer (render_mode 'human') is active, i.e. the window is open. :return: True if the window is open, False otherwise """ return self.viewer_collection.window_viewer_is_running()
[docs] def get_mover_qpos(self, mover_name: str, add_noise: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the position and orientation of the desired mover. The orientation is returned as a quaternion (w,x,y,z). Note that the z-pos is the distance between the bottom of the mover and the top of a tile. In contrast, the z-pos in the MuJoCo model is the previously mentioned distance + half the height of a mover. :param mover_name: name of the mover for which the position and orientation should be returned (corresponds to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param add_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise, defaults to False :return: position and orientation of the desired mover (x_p,y_p,z_p,w_o,x_o,y_o,z_o) """ mover_idx = self.mover_names.index(mover_name) joint_name = self.mover_joint_names[mover_idx] qpos = mujoco_utils.get_joint_qpos(self.model,, joint_name) if self.mover_size.shape == (3,): qpos[2] -= self.mover_size[2] else: # self.mover_size.shape == (self.num_movers, 3) qpos[2] -= self.mover_size[mover_idx, 2] return qpos + self.rng_noise.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.std_noise[0] * int(add_noise), size=qpos.shape[0])
[docs] def get_mover_qvel(self, mover_name: str, add_noise: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Return the linear and angular velocities (qvel) of the desired mover. :param mover_name: name of the mover for which the velocity should be returned (corresponds to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param add_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise, defaults to False :return: linear and angular velocities of the mover (x,y,z,a,b,c) """ mover_idx = self.mover_names.index(mover_name) joint_name = self.mover_joint_names[mover_idx] qvel = mujoco_utils.get_joint_qvel(self.model,, joint_name) return qvel + self.rng_noise.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.std_noise[1] * int(add_noise), size=qvel.shape[0])
[docs] def get_mover_qacc(self, mover_name: str, add_noise: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the linear and angular acceleration (qacc) of the desired mover. :param mover_name: name of the mover for which the acceleration should be returned (corresponds to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param add_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise, defaults to False :return: linear and angular acceleration of the mover (x,y,z,a,b,c) """ mover_idx = self.mover_names.index(mover_name) joint_name = self.mover_joint_names[mover_idx] qacc = mujoco_utils.get_joint_qacc(self.model,, joint_name) return qacc + self.rng_noise.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.std_noise[2] * int(add_noise), size=qacc.shape[0])
[docs] def generate_model_xml_string( self, mover_start_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, mover_goal_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, custom_xml_strings: dict[str, str] = None, ) -> str: """Generate a MuJoCo model xml string based on the mover-tile configuration of the environment. :param mover_start_xy_pos: a numpy array of shape (num_movers,2) containing the (x,y) starting positions of each mover. If set to None, the movers will be placed in the center of a tile, i.e. the number of tiles must be >= the number of movers; defaults to None. :param mover_goal_xy_pos: a numpy array of shape (num_movers_with_goals,2) containing the (x,y) goal positions of the movers (num_movers_with_goals <= num_movers). Note that only the first 6 movers have different colors to make the movers clearly distinguishable. Movers without goals are shown in gray. If set to None, no goals will be displayed and all movers are colored in gray; defaults to None :param custom_xml_strings: a dictionary containing additional xml strings to provide the ability to add actuators, sensors, objects, robots, etc. to the model. The keys determine where to add a string in the xml structure and the values contain the xml string to add. The following keys are accepted: - 'custom_compiler_xml_str': A custom 'compiler' xml element. Note that the entire default 'compiler' element is replaced. - 'custom_visual_xml_str': A custom 'visual' xml element. Note that the entire default 'visual' element is replaced. - 'custom_option_xml_str': A custom 'option' xml element. Note that the entire default 'option' element is replaced. - 'custom_assets_xml_str': This xml string adds elements to the 'asset' grouping element. - 'custom_default_xml_str': This xml string adds elements to the 'default' grouping element. - 'custom_worldbody_xml_str': This xml string adds elements to the 'worldbody' grouping element. - 'custom_outworldbody_xml_str': This xml string should be used to include files or add elements other than 'compiler', 'visual', 'option', 'asset', 'default' or 'worldbody'. If set to None, only the basic xml string is generated, containing tiles, movers (excluding actuators), and possibly goals; defaults to None :return: MuJoCo model xml string """ # prepare mover and tile strings if self.num_movers > self.num_tiles and mover_start_xy_pos is None: raise ValueError( 'Number of movers > number of tiles and no start positions specified. Please use more tiles, fewer ' + 'movers or specify a start position for each mover' ) # tiles if custom_xml_strings is None: custom_xml_strings = {} valid_xy_pos_mover = [] # remember valid mover positions tile_xml_str = '' for idx_tile_x in range(0, self.num_tiles_x): for idx_tile_y in range(0, self.num_tiles_y): if self.layout_tiles[idx_tile_x, idx_tile_y]: if mover_start_xy_pos is None: valid_xy_pos_mover.append( np.array([self.x_pos_tiles[idx_tile_x][idx_tile_y], self.y_pos_tiles[idx_tile_x][idx_tile_y]]) ) tile_xml_str += ( f'\n\t\t\t<geom name="tile_{idx_tile_x}_{idx_tile_y}" class="tile" ' + f' pos="{self.x_pos_tiles[idx_tile_x][idx_tile_y]} {self.y_pos_tiles[idx_tile_x][idx_tile_y]} 0"/>' ) # movers and correspondig goals and actuators material_str_list = ['green', 'blue', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', 'light_blue'] mover_xml_str = '' num_goal_movers = mover_goal_xy_pos.shape[0] if mover_goal_xy_pos is not None else 0 for idx_mover in range(0, self.num_movers): if self.mover_size.shape == (3,): mover_size = self.mover_size.copy() else: mover_size = self.mover_size[idx_mover, :].copy() if isinstance(self.mover_mass, np.ndarray): mover_mass = self.mover_mass[idx_mover] else: mover_mass = self.mover_mass is_obstacle = idx_mover >= num_goal_movers # choose color if is_obstacle: material_str = 'gray' else: if idx_mover <= (len(material_str_list) - 1): material_str = material_str_list[idx_mover] else: material_str = material_str_list[-1] z_pos = self.initial_mover_zpos + mover_size[2] joint_name = f'mover_joint_{idx_mover}' if mover_start_xy_pos is None: mover_xpos = valid_xy_pos_mover[idx_mover][0] mover_ypos = valid_xy_pos_mover[idx_mover][1] else: mover_xpos = mover_start_xy_pos[idx_mover, 0] mover_ypos = mover_start_xy_pos[idx_mover, 1] mover_xml_str += ( f'\n\t\t<body name="mover_{idx_mover}" pos="{mover_xpos} {mover_ypos} {z_pos:.5f}" gravcomp="1">' + f'\n\t\t\t<joint name="{joint_name}" type="free" damping="0" />' + f'\n\t\t\t<geom name="mover_geom_{idx_mover}" type="box" ' + f'size="{mover_size[0]} {mover_size[1]} {mover_size[2]}" mass="{mover_mass}" pos="0 0 0" ' + f'material="{material_str}"/>' + '\n\t\t</body>' ) # visualize goal positions if mover_goal_xy_pos is not None and not is_obstacle: mover_xml_str += ( f'\n\t\t<site name="goal_site_mover_{idx_mover}" type="sphere" material="{material_str}" ' + f'size="0.02" pos="{mover_goal_xy_pos[idx_mover,0]} {mover_goal_xy_pos[idx_mover,1]} ' + f'{self.tile_size[2] + 0.002:.5f}"/>' ) mover_xml_str += '\n' # prepare custom xml strings custom_compiler_xml_str = custom_xml_strings.get('custom_compiler_xml_str', None) custom_visual_xml_str = custom_xml_strings.get('custom_visual_xml_str', None) custom_option_xml_str = custom_xml_strings.get('custom_option_xml_str', None) custom_assets_xml_str = custom_xml_strings.get('custom_assets_xml_str', '') custom_default_xml_str = custom_xml_strings.get('custom_default_xml_str', '') custom_worldbody_xml_str = custom_xml_strings.get('custom_worldbody_xml_str', '') custom_outworldbody_xml_str = custom_xml_strings.get('custom_outworldbody_xml_str', None) # complete xml string xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' xml += '\n<mujoco model="planar_robotics">' # compiler if custom_compiler_xml_str is None: xml += '\n\t<compiler angle="radian" coordinate="local"/>' else: xml += custom_compiler_xml_str # visual if custom_visual_xml_str is None: xml += '\n\t<visual>' + '\n\t\t<scale framelength="0.7" framewidth="0.05"/>' + '\n\t</visual>' else: xml += custom_visual_xml_str # option if custom_option_xml_str is None: xml += '\n\t<option timestep="0.001" cone="elliptic" jacobian="auto" gravity="0 0 -9.81"/>' else: xml += custom_option_xml_str # assets xml += ( '\n\n\t<asset>' + '\n\t\t<material name="white" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="1 1 1 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="off_white" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0.7 0.7 0.7 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="gray" reflectance="1" shininess="1" specular="1" rgba="0.5 0.5 0.5 1"/>' + '\n\t\t<material name="black" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0.25 0.25 0.25 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="green" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0.2852 0.5078 0.051 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="red" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0.94 0.191 0.191 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="red_transparent" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="1 0 0 0.15" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="yellow" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0.98 0.94 0.052 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="orange" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0.98 0.39 0 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="dark_blue" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0 0 1 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="light_blue" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0.492 0.641 0.98 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="blue" reflectance="0.01" shininess="0.01" specular="0.1" rgba="0. 0.543 0.649 1" />' + '\n\t\t<material name="floor_mat" reflectance="0.05" shininess="0.05" specular="0.1" texture="texplane" ' + 'texuniform="true" />' + '\n\t\t<texture name="texplane" builtin="flat" height="256" width="256" rgb1=".8 .8 .8" rgb2=".8 .8 .8" />' + '\n\t\t<texture type="skybox" builtin="gradient" rgb1="0.8 0.898 1" rgb2="0.8 0.898 1" width="32" height="32" />' + custom_assets_xml_str + '\n\t</asset>' ) # default xml += ( '\n\n\t<default>' + '\n\t\t<default class="planar_robotics">' + '\n\t\t\t<default class="tile">' + f'\n\t\t\t\t<geom type="box" size="{self.tile_size[0]} {self.tile_size[1]} {self.tile_size[2]}" ' + f'mass="{self.tile_mass}" material="off_white" />' + '\n\t\t\t</default>' + '\n\t\t</default>' + custom_default_xml_str + '\n\t</default>' ) # worldbody x_pos_table = (np.max(self.x_pos_tiles) + self.tile_size[0]) / 2 y_pos_table = (np.max(self.y_pos_tiles) + self.tile_size[1]) / 2 xml += ( '\n\n\t<worldbody>' + '\n\t\t<light directional="true" ambient="0.2 0.2 0.2" diffuse="0.8 0.8 0.8" specular="0.3 0.3 0.3" castshadow="false"' + ' pos="0 0 4" dir="0 0 -1" name="light0"/>' + f'\n\t\t<geom name="ground_plane" pos="{x_pos_table} {y_pos_table} {-self.tile_size[2]*2-self.table_height}" ' + 'type="plane" size="10 10 10" material="floor_mat"/>' + f'\n\t\t<geom name="table" pos="{x_pos_table} {y_pos_table} {-self.tile_size[2]-self.table_height/2}" ' + f'size="{(self.num_tiles_x*(self.tile_size[0]*2)+0.1)/2} {(self.num_tiles_y*(self.tile_size[1]*2)+0.1)/2} ' + f'{self.table_height/2}" type="box" material="gray" mass="20"/>' + '\n\n\t\t<!-- tiles -->' + f'\n\t\t<body name="tile_body" childclass="planar_robotics" pos="0 0 {-self.tile_size[2]}" gravcomp="1">' + tile_xml_str + '\n\t\t</body>' + '\n\n\t\t<!-- movers -->' + mover_xml_str + custom_worldbody_xml_str + '\n\t</worldbody>' ) # custom xml str if custom_outworldbody_xml_str is not None: xml += custom_outworldbody_xml_str # end xml += '\n</mujoco>' return xml
################################################### # Utils # ###################################################
[docs] def get_c_size_arr(self, c_size: float | np.ndarray, num_reps: int) -> np.ndarray: """Return the size of the collision shape as a numpy array of shape (num_reps,1) or (num_reps,2) depending on the collision shape. This method should be used to obtain the appropriate c_size_arr if the same size is to be used for all movers. :param c_size: the size of the collision shape: - collision_shape = 'circle': use a single float value to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_reps,) to specify individual sizes for each mover - collision_shape = 'box': use a numpy array of shape (2,) to specify the same size for all movers and a numpy array of shape (num_reps,2) to specify individual sizes for each mover :param num_reps: the number of repetitions of c_size if the same size of collision shape is to be used for all movers. Otherwise, this value is ignored. :return: the collision shape sizes as a numpy array of a suitable shape: - collision_shape = 'circle': a numpy array of shape (num_reps,1) - collision_shape = 'box': a numpy array of shape (num_reps,2) if c_size is a numpy array of shape (2,). Otherwise, c_size is not modified. """ # prepare collision size array if isinstance(c_size, float): assert self.c_shape == 'circle', 'Use a float value or a numpy array of shape (num_reps,) to specify the size parameter.' c_size_arr = np.tile(np.array([[c_size]]), reps=(num_reps, 1)) else: if self.c_shape == 'circle': c_size_arr = c_size.reshape((num_reps, 1)) elif self.c_shape == 'box' and c_size.shape == (2,): c_size_arr = np.tile(c_size, reps=(num_reps, 1)) else: # collision_shape = 'box' c_size_arr = c_size.copy() return c_size_arr
[docs] def get_mover_qpos_arr(self, mover_names: list[str], add_noise: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Return the qpos of several movers as a numpy array of shape (num_movers,7). :param mover_names: a list of mover names for which the qpos should be returned (correspond to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param add_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise to the qpos of the movers, defaults to False :return: a numpy array of shape (num_movers,7) containing the qpos (x_p,y_p,z_p,w_o,x_o,y_o,z_o) of each mover. The order of the qpos corresponds to the order of the mover names. """ num_movers = len(mover_names) mover_qpos = np.zeros((num_movers, 7)) for i, mover_name in enumerate(mover_names): mover_qpos[i, :] = self.get_mover_qpos(mover_name, add_noise=add_noise) return mover_qpos
[docs] def get_mover_qvel_arr(self, mover_names: list[str], add_noise: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Return the qvel of several movers as a numpy array of shape (num_movers,6). :param mover_names: a list of mover names for which the qvel should be returned (correspond to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param add_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise to the qvel of the movers, defaults to False :return: a numpy array of shape (num_movers,6) containing the qvel (x,y,z,a,b,c) of each mover. The order of the qvel corresponds to the order of the mover names. """ num_movers = len(mover_names) mover_qvel = np.zeros((num_movers, 6)) for i, mover_name in enumerate(mover_names): mover_qvel[i, :] = self.get_mover_qvel(mover_name, add_noise=add_noise) return mover_qvel
[docs] def get_mover_qacc_arr(self, mover_names: list[str], add_noise: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Return the qacc of several movers as a numpy array of shape (num_movers,6). :param mover_names: a list of mover names for which the qacc should be returned (correspond to the body name of the mover in the MuJoCo model) :param add_noise: whether to add Gaussian noise to the qacc of the movers, defaults to False :return: a numpy array of shape (num_movers,6) containing the qacc (x,y,z,a,b,c) of each mover. The order of the qacc corresponds to the order of the mover names. """ num_movers = len(mover_names) mover_qacc = np.zeros((num_movers, 6)) for i, mover_name in enumerate(mover_names): mover_qacc[i, :] = self.get_mover_qacc(mover_name, add_noise=add_noise) return mover_qacc
[docs] def get_tile_xy_pos(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Find the (x,y)-positions of the tiles. The position of a tile in the tile layout with index (i_x,i_y), can be found using ``(x-pos[i_x,i_y], y-pos[i_x,i_y])``, where x-pos and y-pos are returned by this method. Note that the base frame is in the upper left corner. :return: the x and y positions of the tiles in separate numpy arrays, each of shape (num_tiles_x, num_tiles_y) """ def get_1D_tile_pos(num_tiles: int, tile_wl: int) -> np.ndarray: pos = np.linspace(start=tile_wl / 2, stop=(num_tiles - 1) * tile_wl + (tile_wl / 2), num=num_tiles, endpoint=True) return pos x_pos_tiles, y_pos_tiles = np.meshgrid( get_1D_tile_pos(self.num_tiles_x, self.tile_size[0] * 2), get_1D_tile_pos(self.num_tiles_y, self.tile_size[1] * 2), indexing='ij', ) return x_pos_tiles, y_pos_tiles
[docs] def get_tile_indices_mask(self, mask: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Find the x and y indices of tiles that correspond to the specified structure (the mask) in the tile layout. Note that the indices of the top left tile in the mask are returned. :param mask: a 2D numpy array containing only 0 and 1 which specifies the structure to be found in the tile layout :return: the x and y indices of the tiles in separate numpy arrays, each of shape (num_mask_found,) """ assert len(mask.shape) == 2, 'Unexpected shape of the mask array.' assert np.bitwise_or(mask == 0, mask == 1).all(), 'Use a numpy array of only 0 and 1 to specify the mask.' offsets_x = (int(mask.shape[0] / 2) if mask.shape[0] % 2 == 1 else int(mask.shape[0] / 2) - 1, int(mask.shape[0] / 2) - 1) offsets_y = (int(mask.shape[1] / 2) if mask.shape[1] % 2 == 1 else int(mask.shape[1] / 2) - 1, int(mask.shape[1] / 2) - 1) tile_indices_x = [] tile_indices_y = [] for idx_x in range(offsets_x[0], self.num_tiles_x - offsets_x[1] - 1): for idx_y in range(offsets_y[0], self.num_tiles_y - offsets_y[1] - 1): if ( mask == self.layout_tiles[ idx_x - offsets_x[0] : idx_x + offsets_x[1] + 2, idx_y - offsets_y[0] : idx_y + offsets_y[1] + 2, ] ).all(): tile_indices_x.append(idx_x) tile_indices_y.append(idx_y) return np.array(tile_indices_x), np.array(tile_indices_y)
################################################### # Config Checks # ################################################### def _check_tile_config(self) -> None: """Check that the tile layout, number of tiles, size and mass of a tile are as expected.""" # check number of tiles and tile layout assert len(self.layout_tiles.shape) == 2, 'Unexpected tile layout shape. Expected: (num_tiles_x,num_tiles_y)' # fmt: off assert np.bitwise_or(self.layout_tiles == 0, self.layout_tiles == 1).all(), ( 'Use a numpy array of only 0 and 1 to specify the tile layout.' ) # fmt: on assert self.num_tiles > 0, 'Number of tiles must be >0.' # check tile size assert self.tile_size.shape == (3,), 'Specify the size of a tile using a numpy array of shape (3,)' assert (self.tile_size > 0).all(), 'Tile size must be >0.' # check tile mass assert self.tile_mass > 0, 'Tile mass must be >0.' def _check_mover_config(self, initial_mover_start_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None, initial_mover_goal_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None) -> None: """Check that the number of movers, the size and mass of a mover, and the initial (x,y,z) positions are as expected. :param initial_mover_start_xy_pos: a numpy array containing individual (x,y) starting positions for each mover; can be None if no starting positions are specified :param initial_mover_goal_xy_pos: a numpy array containing individual (x,y) goal positions for some movers; can be None if no goal positions are specified """ # check number of movers assert self.num_movers > 0, 'Number of movers must be >0.' assert self.num_movers > (self.num_movers_wo_goal - 1), 'Number of movers without goal >= number of movers' # check mover size assert (self.mover_size > 0).all(), 'Mover size must be >0.' assert self.mover_size.shape == (3,) or self.mover_size.shape == (self.num_movers, 3), ( 'Unexpected mover size. Use a numpy array of shape (3,) (length x, length y, height) for equally sized movers ' + 'and a numpy array of shape (num_movers,3) to specify an individual size for each mover.' ) # check mover mass # fmt: off assert isinstance(self.mover_mass, float) or isinstance(self.mover_mass, np.ndarray), ( 'Use a single float value or a numpy array of shape (num_movers,) to specify the mass of the movers.' ) # fmt: on if isinstance(self.mover_mass, np.ndarray): assert self.mover_mass.shape == (self.num_movers,), ( 'Unexpected shape of the mover mass array. Expected: (num_movers,) to specify an individual mass for each mover ' + 'or a single float value to use the same mass value for all movers' ) assert (self.mover_mass > 0).all(), 'Mover mass must be >0.' else: assert self.mover_mass > 0, 'Mover mass must be >0.' # check intial mover z-pos assert self.initial_mover_zpos >= 0, 'Initial mover z position must be >= 0.' # check initial start and goal positions # fmt: off if initial_mover_start_xy_pos is not None: assert initial_mover_start_xy_pos.shape == (self.num_movers,2), ( 'Invalid shape of initial mover start positions. Expected: (num_movers,2)' ) if initial_mover_goal_xy_pos is not None: assert initial_mover_goal_xy_pos.shape == (self.num_movers,2), ( 'Invalid shape of initial mover goal positions. Expected: (num_movers,2)' ) # fmt: on def _check_collision_params(self) -> None: """Check that the collision shape and the size of the collision shape are as expected.""" # check collision shape assert self.c_shape == 'circle' or self.c_shape == 'box', 'Unexpected collision shape. You can choose between circle and box.' # fmt: off if self.c_shape == 'circle' and isinstance(self.c_size, np.ndarray): assert self.c_size.shape == (self.num_movers,), ( 'Use a single float value (radius) or a numpy array of shape (num_movers,) to specify the size parameter.' ) elif self.c_shape == 'box': assert not isinstance(self.c_size, float), ( 'Use a numpy array of shape (2,) or (num_movers,2) to specify the size parameter.' ) assert self.c_size.shape == (2,) or self.c_size.shape == (self.num_movers,2), ( 'The shape of the size array (collision_params["size"]) has to be (2,) or (num_movers,2).' ) # fmt: on # check size of collision shape for idx_mover in range(0, self.num_movers): if self.mover_size.shape == (3,): mover_size_x = self.mover_size[0] mover_size_y = self.mover_size[1] else: mover_size_x = self.mover_size[idx_mover, 0] mover_size_y = self.mover_size[idx_mover, 1] if self.c_shape == 'circle': c_size = self.c_size[idx_mover] if isinstance(self.c_size, np.ndarray) else self.c_size if c_size < np.sqrt(mover_size_x**2 + mover_size_y**2): logger.warn( f'Mover {idx_mover} is not completely included in collision shape. You can avoid this warning by choosing ' + 'a larger collision_params["size"] value.' ) elif self.c_shape == 'box': c_size = self.c_size[:, idx_mover] if self.c_size.shape == (2, self.num_movers) else self.c_size if (c_size < np.array([mover_size_x, mover_size_y])).any(): logger.warn( f'Mover {idx_mover} is not completely included in collision shape. You can avoid this warning by choosing ' + 'a larger collision_params["size"] value.' ) # check offsets assert isinstance(self.c_size_offset, float), 'Use a single float value to specify the size offset.' assert isinstance(self.c_size_offset_wall, float), 'Use a single float value to specify the wall offset.' assert self.c_size_offset >= 0, 'collision_params["offset"] must be >= 0.' assert self.c_size_offset_wall >= 0, 'collision_params["offset_wall"] must be >= 0.' def _check_mujoco_name_order(self) -> None: """Ensure that the mover names, joint and site names are ordered correctly. Thus, joint and site names for a specific mover can be found using the index of the mover name. """ assert len(self.mover_names) == self.num_movers, 'Number of MuJoCo model mover names != number of movers' assert len(self.mover_joint_names) == self.num_movers, 'Number of MuJoCo model mover joint names != number of movers' # fmt: off assert len(self.mover_goal_site_names) == self.num_movers - self.num_movers_wo_goal, ( 'Number of MuJoCo model mover goal site names != number of movers - number of obstacle movers' ) for idx_mover in range(0, self.num_movers): idx_str = self.mover_names[idx_mover].split('_')[-1] assert idx_str == self.mover_joint_names[idx_mover].split('_')[-1], ( 'Order of MuJoCo model mover joint names does not match the order of MuJoCo model mover names.' ) if idx_mover < self.num_movers - self.num_movers_wo_goal: assert idx_str == self.mover_goal_site_names[idx_mover].split('_')[-1], ( 'Order of MuJoCo model mover goal site names does not match the order of MuJoCo model mover names.' )
# fmt: on
[docs] class BasicPlanarRoboticsMultiAgentEnv(BasicPlanarRoboticsEnv, ParallelEnv): """A base class for multi-agent reinforcement learning environments in the field of planar robotics that follow the PettingZoo API. A more detailed explanation of all parameters can be found in the documentation of the ``BasicPlanarRoboticsEnv``. :param layout_tiles: the tile layout :param num_movers: the number of movers :param tile_params: tile parameters such as the size and mass, defaults to None :param mover_params: mover parameters such as the size and mass, defaults to None :param initial_mover_zpos: the initial distance between the bottom of the mover and the top of a tile, defaults to 0.005 [m] :param table_height: the height of a table on which the tiles are placed, defaults to 0.4 [m] :param std_noise: the standard deviation of a Gaussian with zero mean used to add noise, defaults to 1e-5 :param render_mode: the mode that is used to render the frames ('human', 'rgb_array' or None), defaults to 'human' :param default_cam_config: dictionary with attribute values of the viewer's default camera,, defaults to None :param width_no_camera_specified: if render_mode != 'human' and no width is specified, this value is used, defaults to 1240 :param height_no_camera_specified: if render_mode != 'human' and no height is specified, this value is used, defaults to 1080 :param collision_params: a dictionary that can be used to specify collision parameters, defaults to None :param initial_mover_start_xy_pos: the initial (x,y) starting positions of the movers, defaults to None :param initial_mover_goal_xy_pos: the initial (x,y) goal positions of the movers, defaults to None :param custom_model_xml_strings: a dictionary containing additional xml strings to provide the ability to add actuators, sensors, objects, robots, etc. to the model, defaults to None :param use_mj_passive_viewer: whether the MuJoCo passive_viewer should be used, defaults to False. If set to False, the Gymnasium MuJoCo WindowViewer with custom overlays is used. """ def __init__( self, layout_tiles: np.ndarray, num_movers: int, tile_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, mover_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, initial_mover_zpos: float = 0.005, table_height: float = 0.4, std_noise: np.ndarray | float = 1e-5, render_mode: str | None = 'human', default_cam_config: dict[str, any] | None = None, width_no_camera_specified: int = 1240, height_no_camera_specified: int = 1080, collision_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, initial_mover_start_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, initial_mover_goal_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, custom_model_xml_strings: dict[str, str] | None = None, use_mj_passive_viewer: bool = False, ) -> None: super(BasicPlanarRoboticsEnv, self).__init__( layout_tiles=layout_tiles, num_movers=num_movers, tile_params=tile_params, mover_params=mover_params, initial_mover_zpos=initial_mover_zpos, table_height=table_height, std_noise=std_noise, render_mode=render_mode, default_cam_config=default_cam_config, width_no_camera_specified=width_no_camera_specified, height_no_camera_specified=height_no_camera_specified, collision_params=collision_params, initial_mover_start_xy_pos=initial_mover_start_xy_pos, initial_mover_goal_xy_pos=initial_mover_goal_xy_pos, custom_model_xml_strings=custom_model_xml_strings, use_mj_passive_viewer=use_mj_passive_viewer, ) self.agents = self.mover_names self.possible_agents = self.mover_names
[docs] class BasicPlanarRoboticsSingleAgentEnv(BasicPlanarRoboticsEnv, gym.Env, ABC): """A base class for single-agent reinforcement learning environments in the field of planar robotics that follow the Gymnasium API. A more detailed explanation of all parameters can be found in the documentation of the ``BasicPlanarRoboticsEnv``. :param layout_tiles: the tile layout :param num_movers: the number of movers :param tile_params: tile parameters such as the size and mass, defaults to None :param mover_params: mover parameters such as the size and mass, defaults to None :param initial_mover_zpos: the initial distance between the bottom of the mover and the top of a tile, defaults to 0.005 [m] :param table_height: the height of a table on which the tiles are placed, defaults to 0.4 [m] :param std_noise: the standard deviation of a Gaussian with zero mean used to add noise, defaults to 1e-5 :param render_mode: the mode that is used to render the frames ('human', 'rgb_array' or None), defaults to 'human' :param render_every_cycle: whether to call ``render()`` after each integrator step in the ``step()`` method, defaults to False. Rendering every cycle leads to a smoother visualization of the scene, but can also be computationally expensive. Thus, this parameter provides the possibility to speed up training and evaluation. Regardless of this parameter, the scene is always rendered after 'num_cycles' have been executed if 'render_mode != None'. :param default_cam_config: dictionary with attribute values of the viewer's default camera,, defaults to None :param width_no_camera_specified: if render_mode != 'human' and no width is specified, this value is used, defaults to 1240 :param height_no_camera_specified: if render_mode != 'human' and no height is specified, this value is used, defaults to 1080 :param num_cycles: the number of control cycles for which to apply the same action, defaults to 40 :param collision_params: a dictionary that can be used to specify collision parameters, defaults to None :param initial_mover_start_xy_pos: the initial (x,y) starting positions of the movers, defaults to None :param initial_mover_goal_xy_pos: the initial (x,y) goal positions of the movers, defaults to None :param custom_model_xml_strings: a dictionary containing additional xml strings to provide the ability to add actuators, sensors, objects, robots, etc. to the model, defaults to None :param use_mj_passive_viewer: whether the MuJoCo passive_viewer should be used, defaults to False. If set to False, the Gymnasium MuJoCo WindowViewer with custom overlays is used. """ def __init__( self, layout_tiles: np.ndarray, num_movers: int, tile_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, mover_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, initial_mover_zpos: float = 0.005, table_height: float = 0.4, std_noise: np.ndarray | float = 1e-5, render_mode: str | None = 'human', render_every_cycle: bool = False, default_cam_config: dict[str, any] | None = None, width_no_camera_specified: int = 1240, height_no_camera_specified: int = 1080, num_cycles: int = 40, collision_params: dict[str, any] | None = None, initial_mover_start_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, initial_mover_goal_xy_pos: np.ndarray | None = None, custom_model_xml_strings: dict[str, str] | None = None, use_mj_passive_viewer: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__( layout_tiles=layout_tiles, num_movers=num_movers, tile_params=tile_params, mover_params=mover_params, initial_mover_zpos=initial_mover_zpos, table_height=table_height, std_noise=std_noise, render_mode=render_mode, default_cam_config=default_cam_config, width_no_camera_specified=width_no_camera_specified, height_no_camera_specified=height_no_camera_specified, collision_params=collision_params, initial_mover_start_xy_pos=initial_mover_start_xy_pos, initial_mover_goal_xy_pos=initial_mover_goal_xy_pos, custom_model_xml_strings=custom_model_xml_strings, use_mj_passive_viewer=use_mj_passive_viewer, ) self.render_every_cycle = render_every_cycle # number of control cycles for which to apply the same action self.num_cycles = num_cycles
[docs] def reset(self, seed: int | None = None, options: dict[str, any] | None = None) -> tuple[dict[str, np.ndarray], dict[str, any]]: """Reset the environment returning an initial observation and auxiliary information. More detailed information about the parameters and return values can be found in the Gymnasium documentation: This method performs the following steps: - reset RNG, if desired - call ``_reset_callback(option)`` to give the user the opportunity to add more functionality - call ``mj_forward()`` - check whether there are mover or wall collisions - call ``render()`` - get initial observation and info dictionary :param seed: if set to None, the RNG is not reset; if int, sets the desired seed; defaults to None :param options: a dictionary that can be used to specify additional reset options, e.g. object parameters; defaults to None :return: initial observation and auxiliary information contained in the 'info' dictionary """ # reset RNG of the environment if seed is not None super().reset(seed=seed) if seed is not None: self.rng_noise = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) # custom callback to add more functionality self._reset_callback(options) # update sim mujoco.mj_forward(self.model, # check mover and wall collision wall_collision = self.check_wall_collision( mover_names=self.mover_names, c_size=self.c_size, add_safety_offset=True, mover_qpos=None, add_qpos_noise=True ).any() # check mover collision mover_collision = self.check_mover_collision( mover_names=self.mover_names, c_size=self.c_size, add_safety_offset=False, mover_qpos=None, add_qpos_noise=True ).any() # rendering self.render() # get new observation and info observation = self._get_obs() if isinstance(observation, dict) and 'achieved_goal' in observation.keys() and 'desired_goal' in observation.keys(): info = self._get_info( mover_collision=mover_collision, wall_collision=wall_collision, achieved_goal=observation['achieved_goal'], desired_goal=observation['desired_goal'], ) else: info = self._get_info(mover_collision=mover_collision, wall_collision=wall_collision) return observation, info
[docs] def step(self, action: int | np.ndarray) -> tuple[dict[str, np.ndarray], float, bool, bool, dict[str, any]]: """Execute one step of the environment's dynamics applying the given action. Note that the environment executes as many MuJoCo simulation steps as the number of cycles specified for this environment (``num_cycles``). The duration of one cycle is determined by the cycle time, which must be specified in the MuJoCo xml string using the ``option/timestep`` parameter. The same action is applied for all cycles. This method performs the following steps: - check whether the dimension of the action matches the dimension of the action space - if the action space does not contain the specified action, the action is clipped to the interval edges of the action space - call ``_step_callback(action)`` to give the user the opportunity to add more functionality - execute MuJoCo simulation steps (``mj_step()``). After each simulation step, it is checked whether there are mover or wall collisions. In case of a collision, mover_collision or wall_collision will be True and no further simulation steps are performed, as a real system would typically stop as well due to position lag errors. In addition, ``render()`` can be called after each simulation step to provide a smooth visualization of the movement (set ``render_every_cycle=True``). The callback ``_mujoco_step_callback(action)`` can be used to add functionality BEFORE the next simulation step is executed. This can be useful, for example, to ensure velocity or acceleration limits within each cycle. - call ``render()`` - get return values More detailed information about the parameters and return values can be found in the Gymnasium documentation: :param action: the action to apply :return: - the next observation - the immediate reward for taking the action - whether a terminal state is reached - whether the truncation condition is satisfied - auxiliary information contained in the 'info' dictionary """ # make sure that shape is correct and action is within action space if not isinstance(action, int): assert action.shape == self.action_space.shape, 'action dim != action_space dim' if not self.action_space.contains(action): logger.warn(f'Action {action} not in action space. Will clip invalid values to interval edges.') action = np.clip(action, self.action_space.low, self.action_space.high) # custom callback to add more functionality self._step_callback(action) # integration and collision check for _ in range(0, self.num_cycles): self._mujoco_step_callback(action) # integration mujoco.mj_step(self.model,, nstep=1) # render every cycle for a smooth visualization of the movement if self.render_every_cycle: self.render() # check wall and mover collision every cycle to ensure that the collisions are detected and all intermediate # mover positions are valid and without collisions wall_collision = self.check_wall_collision( mover_names=self.mover_names, c_size=self.c_size, add_safety_offset=False, mover_qpos=None, add_qpos_noise=True, # would also occur in a real system ).any() mover_collision = self.check_mover_collision( mover_names=self.mover_names, c_size=self.c_size, add_safety_offset=False, mover_qpos=None, add_qpos_noise=True, # would also occur in a real system ) if mover_collision or wall_collision: break self.render() # get next observation observation = self._get_obs() if isinstance(observation, dict) and 'achieved_goal' in observation.keys() and 'desired_goal' in observation.keys(): # goal-conditioned RL info = self._get_info(mover_collision, wall_collision, observation['achieved_goal'], observation['desired_goal']) reward = self.compute_reward(observation['achieved_goal'], observation['desired_goal'], info) terminated = self.compute_terminated(observation['achieved_goal'], observation['desired_goal'], info) truncated = self.compute_truncated(observation['achieved_goal'], observation['desired_goal'], info) else: info = self._get_info(mover_collision, wall_collision) reward = self.compute_reward(info) terminated = self.compute_terminated(info) truncated = self.compute_truncated(info) # check reward shape if isinstance(reward, np.ndarray) and reward.shape[0] > 1: logger.warn( f"Unexpected shape of reward returned by 'env.compute_reward()'. Current shape is: {reward.shape}, \ expected shape: (1,)" ) elif isinstance(reward, np.ndarray) and reward.shape[0] == 1: reward = reward[0] return observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info
def _reset_callback(self, options: dict[str, any] | None = None) -> None: """A callback that should be used to add further functionality to the ``reset()`` method (see documentation of the ``reset()`` method for more information about when the callback is called). :param options: a dictionary that can be used to specify additional reset options, e.g. object parameters; defaults to None """ pass def _step_callback(self, action: int | np.ndarray) -> None: """A callback that should be used to add further functionality to the ``step()`` method (see documentation of the ``step()`` method for more information about when the callback is called). :param action: the action to apply """ pass def _mujoco_step_callback(self, action: int | np.ndarray) -> None: """A callback that should be used to add further functionality to the ``step()`` method (see documentation of the ``step()`` method for more information about when the callback is called). :param action: the action to apply """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_terminated( self, achieved_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, desired_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, info: dict[str, any] | None = None ) -> np.ndarray | bool: """Check whether a terminal state is reached. This method can be used for both goal-conditioned RL and standard RL. Since Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) is commonly used in goal-conditioned RL, this method receives the 'achieved_goal' and 'desired_goal' corresponding to the requirements of the HER implementation of stable-baselines3 (for more information, see :param achieved_goal: a numpy array of shape (batch_size, length achieved_goal) or (length achieved_goal,) containing the goals already achieved (goal-conditioned RL); defaults to None (standard RL) :param desired_goal: a numpy array of shape (batch_size, length desired_goal) or (length desired_goal,) containing the desired goals (goal-conditioned RL); defaults to None (standard RL) :param info: a dictionary containing auxiliary information, defaults to None :return: a single bool value or a numpy array of shape (batch_size,) containing Boolean values, where True indicates that a terminal state has been reached """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_truncated( self, achieved_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, desired_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, info: dict[str, any] | None = None ) -> np.ndarray | bool: """Check whether the truncation condition is satisfied. This method can be used for both goal-conditioned RL and standard RL. Since Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) is commonly used in goal-conditioned RL, this method receives the 'achieved_goal' and 'desired_goal' corresponding to the requirements of the HER implementation of stable-baselines3 (for more information, see :param achieved_goal: a numpy array of shape (batch_size, length achieved_goal) or (length achieved_goal,) containing the goals already achieved (goal-conditioned RL); defaults to None (standard RL) :param desired_goal: a numpy array of shape (batch_size, length desired_goal) or (length desired_goal,) containing the desired goals (goal-conditioned RL); defaults to None (standard RL) :param info: a dictionary containing auxiliary information, defaults to None :return: a single bool value or a numpy array of shape (batch_size,) containing Boolean values, where True indicates that a the truncation condition is satisfied """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_reward( self, achieved_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, desired_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, info: dict[str, any] | None = None ) -> np.ndarray | float: """Compute the immediate reward. This method is required by the stable-baselines3 implementation of Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) (for more information, see :param achieved_goal: a numpy array of shape (batch_size, length achieved_goal) or (length achieved_goal,) containing the goals already achieved (goal-conditioned RL); defaults to None (standard RL) :param desired_goal: a numpy array of shape (batch_size, length desired_goal) or (length desired_goal,) containing the desired goals (goal-conditioned RL); defaults to None (standard RL) :param info: a dictionary containing auxiliary information, defaults to None :return: a single float value or a numpy array of shape (batch_size,) containing the immediate rewards """ pass
@abstractmethod def _get_obs(self) -> dict[str, np.ndarray] | np.ndarray: """Return an observation based on the current state of the environment. :return: a numpy array or a dictionary (dictionary observation space - required by HER implementation of stable-baselines3) """ pass @abstractmethod def _get_info( self, mover_collision: bool, wall_collision: bool, achieved_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, desired_goal: np.ndarray | None = None, ) -> dict[str, any]: """Return a dictionary that contains auxiliary information that may depend on the 'achieved_goal' and 'desired_goal' in goal-conditioned RL. :param mover_collision: whether there is a collision between two movers :param wall:collision: whether there is a collision between a mover and a wall :param achieved_goal: a numpy array containing the goal which already achieved (goal-conditioned RL) - the shape depends on the shape of the observation space; defaults to None :param desired_goal: a numpy array containing the desired goal (goal-conditioned RL) - the shape depends on the shape of the observation space; defaults to None :return: a dictionary with auxiliary information """ pass